What Students Are Really Thinking About Online Learning?


Online Learning appeared like a guardian angel for students in order to continue their academic and other learning. But is it really that magical? What do students really think about the new ways of learning?

Considering all the age groups in a student’s life from Pre Primary to High School and then Senior Secondary. Each group requires its own amount of attention and has its own ways to learn and understand. Let us have a look at all the positive and negative points students have for Online Learning.

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Let’s start from the start

The Pre Primary Age Group

The age factor in this particular age group varies from 3-7 years. Yes, the age of primary development when students start to learn the difference between right and wrong, they start to understand the basic amenities, the basics of Learning, basically an age where their parents and teachers focus more on their learning rather than their understanding.

According to a survey published in career360.com, 76% of students prefer online learning

Now, what do you think?

How is online learning helping them in the current times?

We are all aware of the traditional Learning methods, and we know how they work?

Honestly, I can’t say that they entirely match the “new/online Learning methods.” But are they really a threat or a revival kit for your child’s educational?

We know how the Covid’19 spread has left its effect on everything. The situation literally would have paused your child’s learning for a long period of 2 or more years. And if in that situation technology appeared and made things a lot easier for the sake of continuity, do you really consider it a threat?

I personally think the whole idea of Online Learning is spectacular and Guru At Home provides 1st class online tutors in India, USA. Your kid gets to learn anything he wishes to learn without having to compromise with his health. The only threat in the current times is “Infectious diseases.” You wouldn’t risk your child’s health with his learning and now you have a way to have both in a good state, so it is clearly a Revival Kit for your child. We get it. We usually expect kids to visit schools at this age, introduce them to the outside world, and help them to explore. But the situation isn’t really in favor of that.

What are student’s opinions on online learning?

We are in the 21st century. The only thing kids find fascinating these days is Technology, they glue their eyes to digital screens the whole day, and now they are getting to attend their school on the same digital screens, how will they not find it fascinating?

And honestly, it is also a relief for parents, they can actually be present at the time and keep track of their child’s learning, and be assured about their safety from infectious diseases. So, isn’t it a win-win situation for everyone?

It sure is! Online classes for students are not just helpful but are also super fascinating and convenient especially for the kids of Pre and Primary school.

Now that we have covered our junior’s opinion about online classes let us talk about the students of mid-school, high school, and senior secondary students.

School is probably the best part of a student’s life. No matter how much they hate getting up early for it, they sure gain a lifetime experience and memories on their school campus.  Again, Covid’19 spread did come as a big hindrance for them, they are bound to their houses because of it, but they did get a chance to explore new things because of that, And I am not talking about technology specifically the whole shifting of physical classes to online classes did give them a chance to manage their time wisely. What is a regular timetable for students?

School – Tuition – school homework – tuition homework?

The students of mid-school might also join the extracurricular classes of their interests but The students of high school can’t really make time for their interests and hobbies in such a hectic schedule around schools and tuitions. But it is not like that anymore. They get plenty of free time to explore and learn their interests and hobbies after their online classes. They can even learn the same through online learning itself under the guidance of experts.

What are their opinions about online learning?

Even they must feel the same students in online classes can learn so many things apart from their regular Academic syllabus that too without the hustle of physical travel and the fatigue of that.

Even parents and teachers encourage the students till mid-school to participate in extracurricular but not everyone appreciates them when students move to higher classes and their academic burden is increased now in online classes students have the liberty to cover both their extracurriculars and their arcade syllabus without disappointing, anyone.

All they need is good willpower to achieve their goals and we all know how important extra-curriculum are in their CVs and Resumes.

Students get to add extra stars to their report cards, they get to enjoy their interests and hobbies and they get to build their career with the help of everything, without any extra pressure, without disappointing their parents and teachers. Now isn’t that a win-win situation again?

It indeed is if only one knows to use their chances and convert them into opportunities by creating the right balance of everything. for PTE Coaching please visit us