How to Choose Mind-Blowing Engagement Ring Designs For Your Love


There comes one of the most intense moments of our entire life, that moment is to deliver an engagement ring, you will like it, you will tell me yes, how much it will cost me…

The choice of engagement rings is not a standard process; it depends on several factors.

The first thing we have to take into account is how much we want to spend. Depending on the budget we can choose some metals and stones or others.

Once this point is decided, you must take into account the personality of your partner and their lifestyle habits, whether it is sophisticated or simple, if you usually wear jewelry, your dress, your hands.

We need to know if after the wedding you will want to continue using the ring and how often. It will significantly influence the design of the ring. If you are going to use it every day, it will not be convenient a ring with a diamond that protrudes too much. It would hit him and he could get hooked while doing everyday tasks. For this case, a half-alliance or complete alliance could go well.

Alliance Complete Gold With Diamonds

For frequent use, a ring is common that combines with the wedding band, in its color, metal, and termination.

Focusing on the Trio Rings the best new engagement rings, the first thing we can choose is the stone, although it will almost always be a diamond, it could be zirconia, which comes out quite cheaper or even a combination of several stones. We will choose the metal and color, the most common is yellow gold or white gold, with white being the most seen today.

Another significant decision is the type of ring; this depends a lot on the use that is going to be given. We must bear in mind that the main requirement is that the future owner likes it, the character of the person who receives it. For a very active person who wants to use it very often, it is convenient that the main stone does not protrude too much from the ring of the ring.

Half White Gold Alliance With Diamonds

It consists of a ring and a large stone that is usually attached to the ring by a claw setting. The number of claws will depend on the size of the stone. This type of fastening is very popular because it enhances the stone by letting the light in or out through all the facets, creating a sparkle of great beauty.

Within this type of engagement ring, we also have the “you and me” model in which the stone is only held by two sides of it.

Usually, under the stone, there is a small plate that gives strength to the ring and helps to hold the stone. This ring can also be seen with the stone set in a chamber surrounded by the metal of the ring.

The half-alliance

This type of engagement ring is also very common. It consists of a ring with a row of stones in its upper half. It is the most appropriate for daily use. The support of the stones is done using a rail or bezel setting.

The stones are embedded in the metal, which makes the grip excellent. Enduring all the friction and bumps that can occur when using the ring every day.

The complete alliance

In this case, the metal ring is surrounded by stones, as in the case of the half-alliance. The stones are set in a rail or bezel, which makes it also very comfortable for daily use.

Hybrid Engagement Ring

For diamonds in an engagement coctail rings, there are four things you have to take into account, known as the “4C”.

The cut: is the shape and cut of the facets of the diamond. It is key because a good diamond cut enhances this stone and all its qualities, while a wrong cut would destroy the best stone.

Clarity: this parameter or characteristic shows the purity of the stone. It measures the amount of impurities, inclusions or spots that the diamond could have.

The color: The diamond, in general, the more colorless is better, referring of course to white diamonds.

The carat: When talking about the carat of a diamond, we refer to the weight and size of a diamond, 1 carat is equivalent to 0.20 grams.

The value of diamonds is granted mainly based on these four characteristics, although other elements also intervene in the price.

As the last advice, I would say that for diamonds of a certain size. It would be very advisable to ask for a certificate from at least the jeweler who sells it. If you want you can also ask for a certificate from an official certifying body. It is only advisable for large diamonds because in case of medium or small diamonds you can get more expensive “the necklace than the dog”.