How You Save Yourself From A Bacterial Infection?


Bacterial infections are caused by the transmission of the bacteria from the environment or person to person. They enter the body through mouth, nose, ears, and skin by insects or animal bite. Then, they enter the body and disturb the normal machinery of cells. These bacteria multiply in the numbers and many be you will be surprised after knowing that bacteria become double in number after every 20 minutes.

This means each bacterium multiplies more than 30,000 in 5 hours. This rapid spread of bacteria, no doubt affects the human body within a few hours or maybe a few days.

Before knowing the bacterial infection, you should know about the word “bacteria”. Bacteria are microorganisms that can only see under the microscopes. These can’t be seen through naked eyes. These bacteria caused infections that called bacterial infections.

The effect of infection also depends upon the immunity of a person. The people who are already facing another health disease like cancer, heart issues, or the people who take the medicines that may be weakening their immune systems, they face difficulty in avoiding bacterial infections.

Here a question arises how many people affect the bacteria? According to WHO (world health organization), billions of people are affected by bacterial disease every year. Some infections are not harmful and can be cured easily but some infections are very dangerous that can’t be cured and leads to death.

We all know how plants are an effective and natural way for a cleaner and healthier environment.

So you should keep save yourself from the bacteria, Here’s How

In the following, I will tell you how you can protect yourself from the bacterial infection

Control the germs by following the good habits. This is the first line of control. Stave off the germs and save the others by these measures.

  • Whenever the vaccination of any bacterial infection or disease launches, vaccinate it. No doubt, vaccination is the foremost way for preventing the bacterial infection.
  • Try to stay away from the most vulnerable people in the hospital, in care centers, and in chronic patients.
  • Wash your hands after doing every work like gardening, washing, driving, etc. Put the soap at your palm and rub it smoothly middle the fingers front and back the hands. Clean your nails.
  • Wash your hands after looking after or visiting any patient.
  • Avoid touching your nose, face, mouth, or ears because these are bacterial entering places.
  • Use boiled or must have Water purifier.
  • Avoid touching your sneezing nose and covering your cough. Cover the mouth when coughing and use tissue for cleaning the flue. Dispose of it after using it.
  • Try to avoid other people’s plates, glass, spoons, and other utensils.
  • Bandage your cut and if the cut is deep or there is any animal’s bite then immediately go to the doctor.
  • Wash your hands with soap after rinse the meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Wash al this material under the running water.
  • Cooked the meat carefully at a suitable temperature (poultry meat 180 F, steaks and roasts 145 F, ground meat 160 F).
  • Avoid not using the same cutting board for vegetables that were used for cutting the raw meat.
  • Use only microwave or refrigerator for defrosting the food.
  • If you have pet animals then vaccinate yourself against these animals’ infections.
  • Cover their garbage and throw away from the residential area.

Mosquito is the major transporter of bacteria from one place to another or from animals or birds to humans so avoid water accumulation near surroundings because mosquito breeding takes place in accumulated water.