Contact Lens Clinic- Things You Need To Know


Contact lenses are the solution that was discovered as glasses in their traditional form were considered cumbersome and unattractive. The invention of contact lens has revolutionised the ways we deal with different kinds of optical ailments. It has not only been used as a tool for fixing visual impairments but also as a fashion tool.

The trend of contact lens became popular around the world soon after they were made easily available for the public. These clinics aim at catering to the demands of contact lenses. They are also equipped with several specialised equipment to check the eyes and provide the perfect kind of lenses to aid the vision of a particular person.

Types Of Contact Lenses

There are primarily two types of contact lenses- Soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable contact lenses.

Soft Contact Lenses:

The most common lens that is prescribed these days is the soft contact lens. These lenses effectively deal with several visual impairments such as.

  • Near sightedness (Myopia).
  • Farsightedness (Hyperopia).
  • Blurred vision (Astigmatism).
  • Loss of vision due to advancing age (Presbyopia).

Soft Contact lenses are generally regarded to be much easier to adapt to as compared to the rigid gas permeable lenses. The soft lenses create minimum irritation in the eye and over time, its usage causes no irritation to the eyes as the eyes get easily adapted to these lenses. The soft lenses are further classified into two kinds:

Daily Wear Lenses:

These lenses have varied time span of usage. There are one-day lenses that are meant to be worn for a day and then are disposed of. Similarly, there are the options of weekly disposable lenses, Monthly disposable lenses and even quarterly disposable lenses. These need to be cleaned and disinfected every night when it is used on a continuous basis. Always consult your doctor before making any purchase. You must buy them from the best contact lens clinic only.

Overnight (Extended) wear lenses:

These lenses are designed to be worn over a much larger span of time as compared to Daily Wear Lenses. These are designed to be slept in and do not require daily attention of cleaning and disinfecting. These lenses are however not considered totally safe. It is like a foreign object inside your eyes. There is the chance of debris build up beneath the lens that can cause serious irritations in the eye. There is also the possibility of serious eye infections to take place largely due to the building up debris.

Conditions To Be Considered Before Choosing A Contact Lens Clinic:

There are numerous options available when it comes to finding the best contact lens clinic. With several options comes the conundrum of choosing a clinic. Not all clinics provide the same quality of products and neither does all of them charge the equal amount. It is important to consider several factors before opting for a particular clinic.

Here are some of the main pointers to help choose the best contact lens clinic:

Cost of lens:

The cost that must be incurred with the check up at the clinic and the cost of lenses are perhaps one of the main pointers that we need to follow. There are clinics that tend to overcharge for same quality of products. These clinics should ideally be avoided.


The quality of lens that is offered by the clinic is yet another important factor. Eyes are a sensitive part of our body and require special care. Quality of the lenses should never be compromised.

The contact lens clinic specialises at visual impairments and often save the extra investment of visiting a doctor. There are also clinics that have their own doctors. Finding the best clinic is no more a tough task. They have popped up at a lot of places.