Delta CEO says the Trump administration will reverse government ‘overreach’ seen under Biden


As we have noticed the election fever amongst the United States dwellers, you must know that Donald Trump won this time. From January 2017 to January 2021, he served the country as a president. But, it depends upon the groups who were happy with his work and a few of them were not. If the majority re-elected him, it means the collective decision is in his favour. Now, what about the airlines? Are they happy with their new president after Joe Biden? Let’s see-

What Delta Airlines has to Say?

As per the sources, the CEO of Delta Airlines quoted that the airline’s business is going to be extremely flourishing with the arrival of Donald Trump as a president. According to him, this new administration will be taking a sigh of fresh air and relief because the government of Biden was just overreaching.

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The previous government, according to Delta, failed by attempting to achieve and spend more than they could manage the affairs. Their new president announced that for the last 4 years, industries faced only overreaching. But, this new government will focus on the regulatory affairs and let the industries take a fresh breath.

Which Step of Biden was Overreaching?

Those who quoted this statement didn’t mention anything like this. But, they are just not happy with the less transparency in the fees issue with their passengers. On the other hand, some other airlines of this country are opposing their idea of revealing too much information or the passengers. But still, Delta is next level satisfied with the arrival of Trump and stating that this government will be more business friendly than before.

Policies of Delta Airlines-

There are many policies of this airline that are still not clear to many like Delta seat Assignment and Delta Date Change Policy. If you are a regular passenger of Delta, it’s mandatory for you to have a look.

  • The seat assignment policy refers to the seat selection process during booking or check-in. It depends upon the fare type and seat availability also. The fee entirely depends upon the route, travel date and seat location. One can also change their seat depending upon the availability.
  • And, the date change policy also depends upon fare type and the route. If you do the changes the same day, the fee will be comparatively less. Also, if you are facing an issue with the changing policy, you will be advised to cancel the flight and rebook on another date.

Passenger’s Reactions-

After airing this news like a wildfire, the reactions of the passengers are not positive on reddit. Many of them are saying that Delta is stating the wrong facts and trying to push an anti veteran agenda. As per the travellers who are well versed with this airline, saying they got another reason to avoid this airline.


We understand that the government plays an important role in the businesses. But, putting the entire blame on the specific government is not acceptable. So, it should be avoided by Delta and better plan some strong business strategies to win the passengers hearts.