PPR Pipes and Fittings- Characteristics, Applications and Advantages


PPR pipe is a straight and sturdy cylindrical pipe created from an extrusion of Polypropylene Random Copolymer plastic. These pipes are available in green or white. Their outside diameters range from 20mm to 110mm. The pipe walls are thicker than PVC. In addition, PPR pipe comes with various connection fittings, components, and accessories that may be used with it.

Characteristics of PPR Pipe

Heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and anti-fouling properties-

The working water temperature is 95 ° C, with a short-term usage temperature of 120 ° C, and a long-term continuous use temperature of 60 ° C with a working pressure of 1.2 Mpa. The majority of the ions in the water and the chemicals in the structure are chemically inert, meaning they will not rust, corrode, or develop bacteria.

Thermal Conductivity

PPR has poor thermal conductivity, which means that heat cannot readily be transferred from the outside environment to the liquid in the pipe, and vice versa. This factor decreases heat loss or gains while transporting hot or cold fluids, leading to more energy-efficient systems and reduced PPR piping insulation costs.

Efficiency in terms of both the environment and the economy

PPR pipe is light enough to carry, handle, and install without consuming a lot of energy or requiring a lot of physical work. At the same time, they’re simple to cut, connect and operate with, making them even more cost-effective.

Installation and reliability

Hot-melt connections combine pipes and fittings manufactured of the same material due to polypropylene’s excellent thermal fusion characteristics. It connects metal pipe and water machines with high-quality nickel-plated copper inserts, safe and dependable and removing the concealed threat of water leakage.

PPR Pipe Fitting 

PPR pipe fittings have a wide range of applications, including water supply, hot water pipe, and heating pipe systems. PPR pipe fittings are being used extensively in everyday situations, such as water supply, sewage, irrigation, gas transmission, and other applications. As a result, they may stand out in the pipeline industry and have a significant position due to their unique benefits and qualities.

Application of PPR pipe and fittings

  • Drinking water and liquid food transportation
  • Hot and cold water pipe system for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Building heating systems, such as the floor, wall and radiant heating systems
  • Usually an essential element of central (concentration) air conditioning systems.
  • Used in industrial piping systems to transfer or discharge chemical media.

Advantages of PPR pipes

Low thermal conductivity

The pipes are suitable for cold and hot water delivery systems since they have a low thermal conductivity. They are utilised in modern buildings in conjunction with glass wool insulation systems, and the two work together to improve energy efficiency.

Resistance to wear and tear

PPR pipes have a strong resistance against hard particle caused abrasion. Thus, they are durable and have a considerably long life. The PPR pipes also take less time to install and are resistant to electrolysis, damaging any built-in plumbing system.


Toxic chemicals in our water supply pose a health risk, while PPR pipes and fittings are manufactured from non-toxic basic materials. As a result, it will not carry harmful elements that will harm the health of those who consume the water it produces. It’s not only good for our health but the environment as well. Because the PPR piping system is non-toxic, any manufacturing or installation will not pollute the environment.