The Qualities, And The Uses Of Basalt Stones And Basalt Crushed Rocks


Rock have been used by human in various fields since Paleolithic Period. Uses of rock in modern days have taken modern turn but the demand is never extinguished. Basalt crushed rocks or stones are an extrusive kind of igneous or volcanic rock with a low silica content. It contains a high concentration of iron and magnesium. Basalt rocks and stones have a dark hue texture due to their high iron content. The black basalt is a dark-coloured basalt stone that is rich in iron and a few other minerals. This is used in the textile industry as well as in building construction projects for fire prevention.

Facts on Basalt Stones

As you may be aware, basalt crushed rock and stones are generated after lava eruption and rapidly cool to form basalt crushed rocks.

  • About 90% of all volcanic rock deep beneath the earth’s crust is volcanic rock, and during a volcanic eruption, basalt stones and smashed boulders would be ejected.
  • Enormous vents and fissures that generate and deposit large volumes of basalt lava result in the formation of black basalt stones.
  • Massive quantities of basalt crushed rocks and stones are formed by oceanic hotspots. The magma continues to flow at a consistent rate, eventually forming an island.
  • Basalt is now found not just on Earth, but also on other planets around the solar system.
  • Luna Maria is home to a popular form of basalt crushed rock.
  • Scientists estimate that more than 20 volcanic eruptions occur each year, all of which spew exclusively basalt lava, resulting in the creation of basalt crushed rocks.
  • The basaltic magma is drawn from the Earth’s crust and slowly descends into the magma, bringing the cycle to a close exactly where it began.

Characteristics of basalt crushed rocks and stones


Basalt stones are classified as strong to extremely strong. Basalt stones have a compressive strength of 100 to 300 MPa. Shear strength ranges from 20 to 60 MPa, whereas tensile strength ranges from 10 to 30 MPa.


The density of basalt stones is quite high, as seen by the porousness of the rock. The basalt stones have a bulk density of 2.8 to 3 Magormegagram per meter cube. This is due to the fact that silica makes up over half of the rock.

Identifying the functions of basalt stones

The use of rock differ in every aspect of life. Majority of the crushed rock is found to be used in the construction sites and the biggest reason for this is the weather tolerant feature of the rocks. Some uses are mentioned below:

  • Basalt stones have been utilized from ancient times, dating back to the commencement of the Roman Empire, when the Romans discovered that basalt stones were too hard to work with. Throughout the time, they were extensively employed to construct roadways and public spaces such as amphitheaters and stadiums.
  • The basalt stones are also utilized in the grinding process in mills. The Rosetta stone is a good illustration of this.
  • Basalt crushed rocks are also used in the building of pavements, railroads, concrete mixes, and drainage projects, among other things.

This article has got sufficient gist about basalt crushed rock and stones. For any further information you can always search the internet or speak tot eh experts of basalt crushed rocks. There are many more thing you will be amazed to know about these rock. Internet is the best place to look for the various information on the rock and it variants.