How To Organize Your Self-Storage Unit Like A Pro?


Before, during, and after relocation, those in need of temporary or long-term storage can use storage containers. Load, arrange, and organize your self-storage unit to avoid losing track of what you have. We’re here to assist you if you’re unsure how to organize a storage unit. Our essential organization tips and packing hacks can help you optimize the space within your storage unit while also improving the efficiency of your storage experience. In addition to renting a storage unit, you should always consider making more storage space in your own home.

Before you organize your self-storage unit like a pro

  • When acquiring a storage unit, don’t forget to research what you can and can’t store inside.
  • Rent a storage unit that is the proper size for your needs.
  • Use high-quality packing materials.
  • Store small gadgets and cords in watertight plastic baggies.
  • Clean the unit and your belongings well before putting them inside.

Make a list of all of your items

It’s tough (if not impossible!) to remember everything when you’re putting a lot of stuff away. While large furniture pieces like a bed or sofa are simple to recall, smaller goods like artwork, photos, electronics, and clothing are frequently forgotten after months (or even years) in storage. To keep track of everything, you’ll need to make and retain a list of everything inside the unit.

A notebook and a pen

When you think of a typical storage unit or even try to recollect what yours looks like, some common items found in storage units come to mind. You know there will be many books, old appliances, antiques, etc. However, don’t rely on your memory alone. As you begin the packing process, we recommend keeping track of each item in a spreadsheet and noting down things that always end up in storage (the beforementioned books, appliances, antiques, and such). Taking photos of your stored stuff is another wise approach to keep track of what you have. Having a reference sheet for what is where will make things way easier. You can also make or replicate the list in an Excel spreadsheet or Word document if you’re tech-savvy.

Make a map

Making a map of your storage unit is an excellent way to organize your self-storage unit like a pro. You don’t need an architecturally precise map with specific proportions (though you can do that too if you like), but having a broad concept of where everything is in your storage unit is a good idea. It could be as easy as a diagram that divides your unit into pieces for each area. Pack all of the kitchen boxes together, as well as the bedroom and office boxes. Even assigning a whole portion of your unit to one area of possessions can come in handy later when you need to locate a specific item or container.

Go vertical

Remember to place your stuff vertically when packing and organizing your storage container. You should place furniture straight and stack boxes high. Take advantage of the extra storage space if you’re storing bookshelves and put some items onto them. Consider adding wire shelving or hanging shelves to the storage container to provide room for smaller boxes and things. If your storage unit is exceptionally tall, you might want to have a collapsible ladder or step stool inside with your possessions. For more inspiration, check out our awesome DIY vertical storage ideas.

Only you know what you’ll keep in your storage container. That implies you’re the ideal person to build your shelves to accommodate your belongings. To help you arrange your belongings, build customized shelves to go along the sidewalls of the storage unit.

A basic shelf is simple to construct, and you can find the components at a home improvement store for a reasonable price. They’ll even assist you with fitting the OSB and lumber into your car and preparing it for the project by cutting it down for you.

Put the stuff you use the most towards the front

There’s a good chance you’ll use some things more frequently than others. For example, the spare bed you no longer have the space for is unlikely to be used for a long time – but your baby’s toys will. You will also need seasonal apparel, such as heavy coats, boots, hats, flip flops, and swimmers more frequently. While you won’t need these belongings every day, you’ll need to visit the storage unit at least once a year to grab them.

Stacked up boxes
Place the items you use more often near the entrance

Store these items in the front of your storage unit in clearly labeled boxes or containers. Whether you don’t have enough space in your home or just want to remove all those unnecessary things lying around, deciding to rent and organize your self-storage unit like a pro is a great idea. In addition to giving you more space, a decluttered home has many health benefits.

The usefulness of labels

We cannot emphasize the importance of labeling every box and bin within a storage unit enough. You might think you’ll remember where those family photo albums are, but trust us when we say you won’t, especially if they’ve been resting in a storage unit for a while. Use a permanent pen or printed labels to clearly label each box. Make sure the box’s labeled side is facing the front of the storage unit so you can see it when you enter.

A girl labeling a box
Label your boxes and make finding things easier

Labels can be typed or written on, then laminated. You can also use rectangular plastic plates like those found outside a hospital room or office door. Stick-on Velcro tabs can be used to secure the labels to the shelves. Then, as you move objects around the shelf, you can move their labels with them. Don’t use dry-erase markers because they will wear off. On the other hand, Sharpies function well and aren’t permanent when erased with pure acetone and a paper towel. Then, you can even rewrite the label if necessary.

Ready to rent and organize your self-storage unit?

These activities appear to take a lot of time and effort at first glance, yet the trouble is well worth it. Make sure to give yourself grace as you design and organize your self-storage unit like a pro. You’re not an expert; therefore, you’re free to make errors. You can consider your efforts a success as long as you have easy access to the stuff you need. Wishing you the best of luck!